49 – Jeremiah Mawunyo Jr.

Want to hear something funny? I never knew TSB taught people how to spell, always thought it was a list of words given to memorize ๐Ÿ˜Š Well, this was a pleasant surprise for me but it hasnโ€™t made my journey any less enjoyable. Iโ€™m an avid reader, creative writer, and public speaker; and I have always had a soft spot for environmentally conscious causes. When I was in grade 1, I was part of the Green Saints Foundation club; and itโ€™s not a surprise that I enjoyed my visit to the Shai Hills Natural Reserve immensely. If I could do anything for a day, I would be a pilot and kill “one hundred and ninety-six” birds with one stone by circumnavigating the world to visit as many countries as I can. My favorite word is a popular one among lovers of long words โ€“ Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious โ€“ and I enjoy gleefully reciting it to my friends to show off that Iโ€™m the smartest nerd they know.